Tuesday, August 31, 2010
- and half a banana
Monday, August 30, 2010
Bed rest and yogurt
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Museums and grape peelings
Before the three young people drove back home we stopped in again at the hospital to say good night to Sigve.
I cut each in four pieces, and he ate them very slowly, prepared to vomit again, but they stayed down.
While I was there, we walked the length of the corridor several times, and then Sigve sat up in a chair and looked at pictures on my laptop.
All in all he was out of bed for about 1,5 hours today, which was very good. I hope he keeps it up and gets out of bed on the days I’m not there too.
The physiotherapist will be in again to see him on Monday, and the nurses will encourage him to get up and move around. Medically he's doing very well now, so he has to really start doing his job in order to recover fully, and that means to get up and to eat as much as possible. He's still getting some antibiotics, but the CRP keeps going down.
This afternoon I didn't leave the hospital until after 5 pm, and I was too tired to drive all the way home. So I decided to go to Tysnes instead, and spend the night in the camper, and then drive home in the morning. I got to have a lovely dinner with Hilde Marie, Jon Helge and Jon Helge's parents, Britt and Geir.
Today I am grateful for:
*Grapes and yogurts and Sigve's willingness to try solid food
*Good times with family
*The decaf latte I'm having in the camper before I sleep
Saturday, August 28, 2010
A very good day
Friday, August 27, 2010
So very tired
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Happy, but tired
so quickly and so well!
but that's how I see it :-)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Great news!
and his temperature isdown to 37.3C/99F this morning.
This turn for the better has happened so fast!
Not much to report
Monday, August 23, 2010
Evening update
The doctors are pleased
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Starting to look sick
Friday, August 20, 2010
Temperature's up again
Thursday, August 19, 2010
And in the afternoon....
I am visiting Sigve right now as I write, and he is his usual cheerful self. His temperature is up to 39.5C again, but it's not affecting him much. He's retaining some water, and was given a very effective medication for it. 5 minutes later he had to let it out, and then every 5 minutes. Fortunately he's being supplied with bottles in bed as he needs them, and he so enjoys being able to "go" without getting up :-) I can just see it, when he gets home, he's going to want to keep it up as it's so comfortable!
This morning he started the day with a nice very long shower, and felt really good. He can easily pull out hair from his head and moustache now, and it looks visibly thinner. This morning he had fun pulling out all the grey hairs from his moustache so it looks all brown! The rest of his body hair is still stuck, but it will all fall out. He'll have skin like a baby!
Afterwards he had to go back to bed as he had to be hooked up to various iv bags with fluids, antibiotics and "food". (The "food" bag he's getting right now is filled with an opaque white liquid. Looks a bit like liquified mashed potatoes.) He can still swallow pills and some energy drinks, but that's about it. When hooked up to all that it easier to just stay in bed, and he gets to do it since he's running a temperature, but once that's gone he'll be forced out of bed!
He still has a very unsettled stomach, and likes to compare it to volcanic eruptions; Iceland comes to mind... but planes can still take off from Bergen Airport!
During doctor's rounds this morning a student doctor came in tow, and as the doctor was probing Sigve's stomach and Sigve started laughing, he explained to the student that laughter in that context meant that the patient was not in any pain, and it was not a common reaction in this situation :-)
You're not getting any pictures today as I don't have the connection cord for my camera with me. But I have taken some pictures, and I will post them when I get my dear Mac back!
Today I am grateful for:
*That Sigve is feeling so well in spite of running a temperature
*The soreness in his mouth is not quite so bad today
*Mac doctors
Morning report
Day "+7"

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Changes, but still going by the book
So far so good
*A good book