Saturday, August 7, 2010


I don't have any new relevant photos today, but I like this one. Serenity is a word that comes to mind when I look at it. I took it out of the camper van window one early June morning when I happened to wake up very early, at 6.15 am to be exact. We were on our way to Oslo, and had stopped for the night in a favorite spot by the road. Everything was just calm.
These last few days have been all about waiting. Nothing much has happened, and I won't bore you with repetitions. Sigve is still feeling fine, no side effects from the chemo yet, other than the lack of deep quality sleep (which of course is bad enough) due to still having to get up every half hour for a bath room visit.
Tomorrow that second course of chemo starts, and I'm feeling apprehensive about how that will make him feel. Although, I'm visualizing him feeling well, and knowing him I won't be at all surprised if he just casually breezes through it. I know so many people are visualizing this and praying for it. Through "The Lightning Process" I have learned how to think in positive terms, f.ex. in my mind I don't think that "he's not going to be sick", but rather that "he's going to be well". There's a huge difference: in the first case I would focus on sick, and send negative energy, in the second on well, and positive energy.
Sigve himself is a very positive and optimistic person, and he has an amazing ability to accept a situation, turn it around, and make the best of it. I think self pity is an unknown term to him, and gratitude is a very large part of his mentality. It is not possible to feel gratitude and negativity at the same time; one will rule out the other. So it is the choice of each and every one of us, self pity of gratitude, which do I want should dominate my life?
Another picture I like: Life can survive in the most harsh looking conditions. I took this one during a walk on a beach in Bømlo earlier this summer.

And finally, one of us taken by Hilde Marie the evening before we left for Bergen and the hospital. Geir Espen, Hilde Marie, Jon Helge, Sigve and I had a lovely family evening together.


Anonymous said...

Her hos oss forsøker vi å tenke at han ikke er på sykehus men på FRISKHUS! For det er jo frisk han skal bli :-). Tenker på dere, ber for dere. Lykke til! Klem fra Bjørg og gjengen på Moelv

Unknown said...

Don't you just love the purple plant... if I'm right, its the same one I've grown as a potted plant off and on for years, and it doesn't just survive - it thrives - in many parts of the US, Australia, and I guess even on rocky beaches of Norway. Thanks for reminding us that harsh conditions do not have to control our response or the results of any situation. Neither are good times or bad a measure of whether or not our lives are "blessed" by God.

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