Sunday, August 22, 2010

Starting to look sick

Last night I went to Tysnes with Hilde Marie, and spent a nice quiet evening with her and Jon Helge. We cooked some salmon and ate well. I got to see the 7 four day old piglets, and they are just the cutest! Tiril, their mom, is very trusting, and I could go into the pen and pet her and the babies without her being nervous. Maybe she remembers me from when she was a baby? :-)

And Isa just won't leave my side!


Back in at the hospital: In order to enter the isolation room we have to put on robes, and either wear the supplied indoor slippers or put paper booties over our shoes. Everything we bring in has to be disinfected, so I leave my purse in the sluice, and wipe down my Iphone and camera and bring them in.

These last 2-3 days Sigve has been feeling weaker. But with a steady temperature at around 40C/104F I think anyone would start feeling weak. However he was more talkative on Saturday than on Friday, when he mostly slept. I've phoned him several times today, but he gets tired quickly and doesn't want to talk for long. He says that as long as he's lying still in bed and just relaxes, he feels fine; he's not in any pain, and the only discomfort is the mouth soreness and the diarrhea. He keeps saying that if it wasn't for the high temperature he would have been fine.

But he doesn't look that well any more. More and more hair is falling out.

Yesterday he had developed a rash and inflammations over large parts of his body. Some spots on his legs seemed infected, so they took samples for analysis. So far there doesn't seem to be any reason for the rash, so they think that it is a desired reaction and sign that the new stem cells have started doing their job. But it makes him look really sick... Apparently the rash is even more red today than when I took this picture yesterday.

It's getting really hard to see Sigve like this. I keep hoping and praying along with all of you for a speedy improvement for him as the new stem cells get their act together!

Today I am grateful for:
*Our wonderful son, daughter and son-in-law
*Places to relax
*Having things to be grateful for


Irene said...

Sjølv om dåke har fått beskjed om at dette mest sannsyleg kom til å skje, så er det såklart ikkje enkelt å sjå det. Men på ei anna sia, ditta e jo tegn på at da no skjer nåke i kroppen! Er nok noko i utrykket "Ting må av og til bli verre før det kan bli bedre".

Hels masse til onkel!
Glad i dåke

Bondekjerringa said...

Ønske Sigve god bedring, og all lykke te dåkke begge to i framtida.
Hilsen fra ei som har ein minigris som komme fra Tysnes :)

Anonymous said...

Hei Inger Marie! :)
Fekk sjokk da eg høyrte at Sigve var blitt sjuk :(
Hilde Marie fortalte meg om bloggen din, fint å få følge med på kva som skjer.
Veldig sterke bilder du har lagt ut, men fint å sjå at dåken kan smila sjølv om kvardagen er blitt ganske så tøff.
Ønsker heile familien lykke til, tenker masse på dåken.
Stor klem fra Randi :)

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