Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day +44 already

We've been home for 2 days, and everything is going well. Today was Sigve's first check-up appointment at Stord Hospital, and we were there at 9 am, dreadfully early for us, as many of you will know. 

Stord Hospital has carried out check-ups on other stem cell transplantees before, but obviously not very often, so the nurse had to read up on the procedure for drawing blood and administering fluids through Hicky. We had a lot of information with us from Haukeland Hospital for them. 

It took 2 hours from we got there until the fluids could start dripping in, and as there was an addition of potassium and magnesium, it had to go in over 4 hours. So Sigve got his own room in a medical ward, a room that's set aside for only him, to be used for a few hours twice a week for at least a month.  Pretty good service. But hopefully it won't take that long every time. 

I went shopping, well, it turned out to be mostly window shopping, and had lunch by myself at a mall café. Next time I have to be better prepared. I'll check out places for walks and bring my camera, and for rainy days I'll bring my laptop. 

Around 7 pm tonight it looked like there would be a nice sunset, so Sigve put on a snow suit; no, no snow yet, but it was cold, and very windy, and he gets a lot more chilly than he used to. And as he has no hair, he loses body heat through his head, so therefore the hat, which he has never ever worn before. At home he sits under an electric blanket to keep warm. There are a lot of firsts now-a-days. 

Anyway, we left it a few minutes too late, so the sun was almost gone when we got to Hiskjo, a good place for watching sunsets. But we had a nice walk, in uneven terrain, which is good practice for balance and breath. The forecast for tomorrow is good too, so we'll have another go then, a little earlier.

Today I am grateful for:
*Check-ups at Stord, and not having  to drive to Bergen twice a week
*That even though Sigve gets tired fast, his fitness level is increasing steadily, as does hit appetite
*The beauty of nature, right outside our door

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