We're more than half way into advent.
Advent means awaiting the arrival of a notable person, thing or event.
These days we wait to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Last year, from August and through advent, we also waited for something completely different. I know I have lots of new readers since, so I'll recap: In August of 2010 my husband Sigve was treated for leukemia. New stem cells were donated to him by his sister Gerd.
The wait was intense, first during the days immediately after the transplant, to see if the new cells would settle down, and later, to see if they would take over and create a new immune system.
Today we know that so far, the transplant has been successful. Sigve is feeling well, although still a bit weak, and he has been back working full time since May.
The wait was intense, first during the days immediately after the transplant, to see if the new cells would settle down, and later, to see if they would take over and create a new immune system.
Today we know that so far, the transplant has been successful. Sigve is feeling well, although still a bit weak, and he has been back working full time since May.
* * * * *
For seconds, minutes, days, time stopped.
For us, and for him behind the door of the
isolation ward at Haukeland Hospital.
isolation ward at Haukeland Hospital.
Time stood still as we waited to
see if the new stem cells would accept
this body that was their new home.
For how long can a person stand a temperature of 105F?
When will it break? Will it break?
It broke, and we could breathe again.
* * * * *
* * * * *
And for this I am eternally grateful.