I had never, in a million years, thought that I would be back in Australia this year, but then my amazing husband went ahead and booked me this trip :-)
We drove to Stavanger last Friday, for my family reunion (my mother’s side) on Saturday. It was lovely to meet all the cousins that I haven’t seen in 15 years (litterally!), and also the ones I see a little more frequently. All but two cousins could make it. Three of my mother’s siblings are still alive, and they were all there. That's me to the far left.
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On Sunday morning Sigve drove me to
Stavanger airport to start my journey.
I flew to Oslo, then to Helsinki and Singapore,
and finally to Sydney.
I landed at 05.40, and poor Paul and Jorge had to get up really early to pick me up. Their unit is in Sydney, with an amazing view to the Sydney skyline. We got back before sunrise, and I caught this beautiful scene.
We took it easy that first day, but on Thursday the action started. We met Maria at Circular Quay, and took the ferry to Manly. I should have met Maria in September, on the cruise that we didn't get to go on, so it was great to meet her now.
It was raining a bit, so we just walked by the beach before sitting down for lunch. Good food, good wine and great company. Here's Paul, me and Maria.
Thursday we drove up to Bateau Bay to pick up June, Paul’s mom, and continued on to Forster. We’re staying at The Beaches, a resort apartement building, overlooking the beach. Of course it’s winter here now, kind of like an average norwegian summer day.
We're in a spacious 2 bedroom apartment.
June, me and Paul.
This morning we wanted to go for a walk, but unfortunately it started raining again, so we went for a drive instead, and saw beautiful scenery. Stopped for a coffee at The Frothy Coffee.
Then we spent the evening playing Rummycub,
before Jorge made us a delicious dinner.